Good question right?
We seem to have a fascination with tall buildings, but why? What if we had smaller buildings and only a couple of skyscrapers? I understand that from an efficiency and density standpoint, skyscrapers are useful. However, I'm not convinced that they support the best quality of life.
I remember one day when I was emerging from the depths of the beautiful New York City subway system. Not only was I struck by outside light, but I was also taken back by a sign that I saw. The sign said that, "1 in 4 New Yorkers will die from a heart attack". I thought to myself, "WOW. That's Insane". I was puzzled as to why this might be, but then I took a second and looked around. If you look around New York or look at a map, you will notice that the only large open space is central park. Now, you might think, "That's a huge park! Central Park is great for everyone!". Except you realize that if you are located on the North or South of the main island, access is not that easy. With that being said, you can understand how cramming a large amount of people in tall buildings, with subpar open space can lead to an uptick in heart attacks. New York will always be New York, but how we choose to make incremental changes in the design overtime will play a role in our health and quality of life.