Where is the most activity in the construction world?
Right now the largest construction project in the world is the Al Maktoum International Airport, Dubai. This massive project is set to cover 21 square miles. Just for scale, the Vatican city is .17 square miles. This airport alone has the area to support a large city. On large projects like this, we all know that there will be a master plan followed by several design phases. Many designers enjoy creating on their own terms, but in a project like this, each designer has to be humble enough to realize that their impact may blend into the larger scheme.
Although large projects can be incredibly frustrating to work on, the beauty of the struggle forces everyone to have a bit of humility. When you're working on a large project and you feel little to no significance, understand that at the completion of the project can still be fulfilling. Many times as designers, we lose sight of the overall importance of what we are designing. At times, it can be hard to push through a job, especially when we don't see the purpose. If you can remember the purpose, designing will be much more bearable during the struggles.